

2025-02-09 222

Samsung 虽然已经公布了全球停产、停售及回收 Galaxy Note 7 手机,但事件似乎还没那么快告一段落。现时在回收安排上不但混乱,有些比较少留意新闻的用户可能还在继续使用中。有见及此,美国运输部已正式发出指引,之前航空公司是建议乘客关机即可甚至是一度对新版本解除限制,如今却是有如一类危险品那样全面禁止携带上机,包括行李寄仓等。

美国运输部联同联邦航空局以及危险品安全管理中心发出今日紧急通知,全面禁止美国境内乘客携带 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 手机乘搭航空运输交通工具。该指引例明,在美国镜内乘搭飞机的乘客身上不得携带此款型号手机,以及不得存放于随身行李箱、寄仓行李箱内等。另外,亦不得以航空速递运输服务运送。该例将于本周六,即 2016 年 10 月 15 日中午即时生效。


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), today announced it is issuing an emergency order to ban all Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone devices from air transportation in the United States. Individuals who own or possess a Samsung Galaxy Note7 device may not transport the device on their person, in carry-on baggage, or in checked baggage on flights to, from, or within the United States. This prohibition includes all Samsung Galaxy Note7 devices. The phones also cannot be shipped as air cargo.  The ban will be effective on Saturday, October 15, 2016, at noon ET.



2018-04-26 07:35:00

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