

2025-03-19 222

小米国际用户资料将从中国北京迁移至美国与新加坡服务器。小米全球副总裁 Hugo Barra 在他的 Google+ 宣布,包括香港、印度、印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡与台湾用户资料,未来将从中国北京转移至美国与新加坡服务器,这有助于提升速度,并保护用户的隐私。

这项计划共分为三个阶段,并早在 2014 年初已经开始执行。

第一阶段是电子商务整合,主要是将香港、印度、印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡与台湾国际用户资料转一致美国与新加坡 Amazon AWS 服务器,透过 Akamai 全球 CDN 架构加快加载速度,整体速度会有 30% 至 200% 不等的提升,预计 2014 年 10 月底完成。

第二阶段为 MIUI 服务转移至美国与新加坡 Amazon AWS 服务器,内容包括小米账号、小米通讯及小米云端,预计 2014 年底完成搬迁,而小米账号部分约 10 月底前就会完工,整体速度会大为提升。

第三阶段会在 2015 年完成,针对像是巴西、印度等地区,与当地服务器业者合作,带来更优质的服务。


We’re moving your data!

User experience is hugely important to us. As a global Internet company, we really care about speed and we’re also fully committed to storing our users’ data securely at all times.

In early 2014, we kicked off a massive internal effort to expand our server infrastructure globally in order to better serve Mi fans everywhere.

Our primary goal in moving to a multi-site server architecture was to improve the performance of our services for Mi fans around the world, cut down latency and reduce failure rates. At the same time, it also better equips us to maintain high privacy standards and comply with local data protection regulations. This is a very high priority for Xiaomi as we expand into new markets over the next few years.

This server and data migration process is taking place in three phases.

Phase 1: E-commerce migration

Earlier this year, our e-commerce engineering teams started migrating our global e-commerce platforms and user data for all international users from our Beijing data centers to Amazon AWS data centers in California (USA) and Singapore. We also began using Akamai’s global CDN infrastructure to speed up static page loads.

This migration process will be completed by the end of October and will benefit users in all of our international markets — Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan. Users are already experiencing website speed boosts of at least 30% in markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and as much as 200% in India.

Phase 2: MIUI services migration

We have also recently started migrating our MIUI services and corresponding data for all international users from our Beijing data centers to Amazon AWS data centers in Oregon (USA) and Singapore. This migration includes Mi Account, Cloud Messaging and Mi Cloud services. We are expecting to complete this migration by the end of 2014, with some parts being completed even sooner (e.g. Mi Account servers by the end of October).

With this migration, we are expecting to cut network request latency for users in India by up to 350ms, and users in Malaysia to experience 2-3x faster Mi Cloud photosync.

Phase 3: Going local

In 2015, we are planning to take on a new challenge to further improve the performance of our services for users in large and fast-growing markets such as India and Brazil.

In these markets, where Amazon AWS services aren’t yet available, we will be working with local data center providers to set up our service infrastructure. Once that has been completed, users in these markets will be much closer to their data and enjoy even faster speeds by connecting to local servers.

We will continue to keep everyone posted!

Hugo (on behalf of the Xiaomi infrastructure teams)

  • Hugo Barra- We’re moving your data!

(本文由 VR-Zone 授权转载)

2019-04-02 23:30:00

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