

2025-01-31 232

先前任天堂宣布推出怀旧迷你版“NES Classion Edition”后,就连SEGA也宣布要推出当年旗下的经典主机Mega Drive,而且除了要推出迷你版本外,也要推出携带版本。


SEGA宣布,为了庆祝《音速小子》推出25周年,SEGA决定推出Mega Drive的复刻版,其中分为迷你版Mega Drive与携带版Mega Drive两种。这两种主机内都有内建80款经典游戏。迷你版Mega Drive的部分还能插入当年的卡带来游戏,不过主机部分的输出端,并不是以HDMI为主,而是使用AV端子。



在携带版Mega Drive的部分,内建有3.2吋的屏幕,虽然没法像迷你版Mega Drive那样插入卡带,但是有支援SD卡,让玩家可以从SD卡的部分来扩充游戏(支援读取.BIN和.SMD文件,我都不知道该说啥了)。目前两台主机都接受预购中,售价都是49.99英镑,折合新台币约2100元左右。





  1. Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
  2. Alien Storm
  3. Altered Beast
  4. Arrow Flash
  5. Bonanza Bros.
  6. Chakan: The Forever Man
  7. Columns
  8. Columns III
  9. ComixZone
  10. Crack Down
  11. DecapAttack
  12. Dr. Robotnik’sMean Bean Machine
  13. ESWAT: City Under Siege
  14. Eternal Champions
  15. Fatal Labyrinth
  16. Flicky
  17. Gain Ground
  18. Golden Axe
  19. Golden Axe II
  20. Golden Axe III
  21. Jewel Master
  22. Kid Chameleon
  23. Phantasy Star 2
  24. Phantasy Star 3
  25. Ristar
  26. Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
  27. Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
  28. Sonic & Knuckles
  29. Sonic Spinball
  30. Sonic the Hedgehog
  31. Sonic the Hedgehog II
  32. Sonic 3D Blast
  33. Sword of Varmilion
  34. The Ooze
  35. Vectorman
  36. VectormanII
  37. Mortal KombatI
  38. Mortal KombatII
  39. Mortal KombatIII
  40. Adventure in the Park
  41. Cross the road
  42. Jack’s Pea
  43. Jewel Magic
  44. Curling 2010
  45. Plumbing Contest
  46. Wall-Breaking
  47. Bubble Master
  48. Break a Fireline
  49. Mahjong Solitaire
  50. Warehouse Keeper
  51. Chess
  52. Memory
  53. Snake
  54. Air Hockey
  55. Spider
  56. Naval Power
  57. Mr. Balls
  58. Cannon
  59. Fight or Lose
  60. Bottle Taps Race
  61. Bomber
  62. Checker
  63. Hexagonos
  64. Whack-A-Wolf
  65. Mirror Mirror
  66. Panic Lift
  67. Black Sheep
  68. Flash Memory
  69. Brain Switch
  70. Mega Brain Switch
  71. Hidden Agenda
  72. Dominant Amber
  73. Hide and Seek
  74. Jura Formula
  75. Lost World Sudoku
  76. Meatloaf Rotation
  77. Mya Master Mind
  78. Skeleton Scale
  79. T-Rex Memory Match
  80. Yawning Triceratops



迷你版Mega Drive购买网页

携带版Mega Drive购买网页

2018-01-17 14:44:00

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