

2024-10-12 227

Instagram 是许多网红出没以及诞生的园地(?)。然而,这些网红是怎么样被“打造”出来的,其实也是相当有意思的议题。最近,一位擅长打造迷因图文的创作者 Tank Sinatra,最新恶搞的 IG 账号 influencersinthewild,则是账号如其名那样,主要贴的就是一些类似幕后花絮类型的影音投稿,将许多野生网红出门在外,为了拍摄吸睛影片 / 照片时的种种荒谬行径的投稿贴出。继续阅读 各种极其荒谬的野生网红照拍摄现场影片 ,现在居然有人开账号专门搜集了!报导内文。

▲图片来源:influencersinthewild  (Instagram)

各种极其荒谬的野生网红照拍摄现场影片 ,现在居然有人开账号专门搜集

为了要抢得网友的眼珠,不少网红在社群网站的影音照片贴文感觉的确十分费尽心思。不过其实与许多商业拍摄很像,不少影片照片的拍摄现场都出乎意料地荒谬 — 但也有不少真的是拼了性命在搏版面的。influencersinthewild 这个接受各种网美拍照时旁人拍摄有趣幕后花絮投稿的 Instagram 账号,最近也真的搜集到了超多很有意思的影片内容。


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A lot of people don’t know that the faster you walk and the more you turn, the more influence you have #contentculture (submitted by @juliette_goldencase)

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There was a tidal wave of new followers after she posted this pic #contentculture (submitted by @yardycohen)

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居然还有拍摄前后对照组的 — 可以看看真人跟修完图后的她差距有多少(不得不说,真的要好好学自拍啊):

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Okay, so we finally got one. Here is the actual shot that was taken during one of the first videos I ever posted. Swipe to see the original video @sshodges72 thank you for having a sense of humor. And this should go without saying, but this page is not about shaming people or trying to troll “influencers”. At most it’s a neutral documentation of a massive shift we’ve undergone as a society where people literally will take pictures ANYWHERE at ANY time to make sure they have content for their social media. We all wanna look cute, @sshodges72 just happens to be cuter than all of us

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再来这个应该是现阶段数一数二瞎的了,究竟是哪来的 Idea 想到要“网红上树”的?有想过树的想法吗:

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I’m gonna go out on a limb here

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People. Don’t do this. Please be careful out there. (Submitted by @ceciliagabriela)

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People. Don’t do this. Please be careful out there. (Submitted by @ceciliagabriela)

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其实看了 influencersinthewild 这么多影片,最后小编感想是网红真的不好当… 你真的有那个勇气在大庭广众之下这样摆动或摆拍,也是不容易的事啊:

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“Okay babe so here’s the plan. I’m gonna lay in the water, just lay. Stomach down. It’s not deep so I won’t drown, but even more importantly, my butt cheeks will be jjjuuuusssttt protruding from the water. Here’s why I’m telling you this. For no reason at all, I want you to just incessantly throw sand at my butt cheeks, and take pics the entire time. Actually maybe do a video so I can grab the perfect screen shot. I don’t care if it takes all day. The point is, I need a picture of me, just me, with sand bouncing off of my butt cheeks. It’s for work. Okay let’s do it.” Submitted by @ddianass

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1. The world is not your personal movie set 2. Wait for it Submitted by @tuffnail Girl: @devin_cecchetto

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现阶段 influencersinthewild 已经陆续贴出了近 60 则关于网红拍摄幕后花絮直击的影片/照片,有兴趣的朋友,可以到他的 IG 账号持续追踪(传送门)。


特斯拉 以 Tesla Cybertruck 发表会的意外插曲为灵感,推出被钢球击碎玻璃的 T-Shirt

2020-01-29 10:17:00

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