近日 Twitter 陆续有任天堂玩家表示,Nintendo 账号有未经授权的第三方登录,甚至被盗用付款资讯,不少人感到担忧。任天堂也在官方 Twitter 建议玩家启用双步骤验证功能,以确保账号受到一定程度的保护。
自上周起,Twitter 有不少玩家指自己的账号被盗,如被第三方无数次登入,甚至被盗用付款资讯消费。据回报,被骇的账号大多来自美国及俄罗斯。
Took a look at initial survey submissions. Based on data so far, the most likely explanation is Nintendo Network ID passwords being compromised.
92.7% of compromised accounts, that used a unique password (not used elsewhere), had their NNID linked.
Just a hypothesis, not fact. pic.twitter.com/KSrjCt3wHR
— Pixelpar (@pixelpar) April 20, 2020
Firstly, go to the Nintendo Account Website, login, enable 2 Factor Authentication, but before leaving, check your sign in history. If you notice any unauthorized sign ins (especially from places like Russia, Australia, Saudi Arabia, etc) change your password immediately
— Terran Sherwood (@TerranSherwood) April 4, 2020
对此,任天堂在 Twitter 推广双步骤验证功能,呼吁玩家多做一步,以预防账号在未经授权下被登入。更早之前任天堂曾提醒日本玩家,指一直有玩家询问人数与信用诈欺相关问题,不过不清楚此现象是否扩及全球。
You can help secure your Nintendo Account by enabling 2-Step Verification.
For more details, visit: https://t.co/kqxbp8TobD pic.twitter.com/hZ1PnFWZQw
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) April 9, 2020
- Nintendo Warns Of An Increasing Number Of Credit Card Fraud Reports, Offers Advice
(本文由 Unwire HK 授权转载;首图来源:任天堂)